The Mindful Birding Podcast
The Mindful Birding Podcast : Listen to Episodes
Episode 23 : Accessible Mindful Birding
In this episode we talk with Freya McGregor, owner of Access Birding LLC , about what it means to create accessible and inclusive experiences for everyone, and why Mindful Birding offers an inclusive and therapeutic experience for all people. We'll hear about the Access Birding certification course, and other opportunities on innovative approaches to accessibility and inclusivity in birding overall.
In our joy of birdsong segment, Seth Benz of the Schoodic Institute , a nonprofit org supporting Acadia National Park in Maine, shares a segment of a soundscape recording by Laura Sebastianelli . You can listen to the full recording of the soundscape here: https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/456772271
Episode 22: Why Finches are Good for Us
In this episode, we have a conversation with Lillian Stokes and Matthew Young, authors of the interactive and engaging new book The Stokes Guide to Finches of the United States and Canada, a book that embodies hope and joy, and can serve as a bridge between our personal wellbeing and understanding finches.
The authors share how their backgrounds in social work and mental health pairs together with their work with birds, and what finches can teach us.
For the Joy of Birdsong segment, Chris Benesh offers us an array of finch songs to enjoy, including Lawrence's Goldfinch, Lesser Goldfinch, Black-headed Siskin, Red Crossbill,
Learn more about finches and research surrounding them by checking out the Finch Research Network -
Episode 21: Gratitude for Birds II
In this episode, we honor gratitude for wild birds, by playing voices of gratitude from around the world, which some of our listeners and network members have offered. We thank all that have contributed and those of you who listen!
Episode 20: What is a Good Bird? Mindful Birding for Mental Health & Self-compassion
Do you often hear the question: See anything good? While you are birding, or maybe you ask this question yourself when you see another person birding?
In this episode of the Mindful Birding podcast, Holly and I discuss this question and tease apart the idea of “what is a good bird”, what is a good birder, and how sometimes these questions might allow elements of FOMO and self-judgement to surface, and how these questions relate to both our mental health and self-compassion.
Episode 19: Bird Language & Mindful Birding with Dan Gardoqui
In this episode of the Mindful Birding Podcast, Holly and Holly have a conversation with Dan Gardoqui, a well known specialist in bird language, and nature-based consultant & coach, award winning educator and naturalist.
You’ll get to hear some tips and input on deepening our connections to the natural world, "talking to birds", thinking about our attention and energy, curiosity as a superpower, and practicing gratitude.We also share a segment from the book What the Robin Knows, by Jon Young, for which Dan served as science and audio editor.
In the Joy of Birdsong segment, you’ll be treated to Dan’s incredible mimicry of some common North American birds. -
Episode 18: The Mindful Birding Project with Dr. Barbara Patterson
In this episode we welcome Dr. Barbara Patterson from Fort Collins Colorado. Barb’s work of creating and contributing to the Mindful Birding programs in her community is tremendous. Her latest endeavor is called The Mindful Birding Project, and she shares the details with us here.
Barb authored the booklet A Mindful Birding Journey which was first distributed to cancer patients in her local community, and can be found as a free download on the mindful birding network’s resources page.
Episode 17: Mindful Birding: Sit Spots, Festivals, & Retreats
In this episode, Holly and Holly discuss locations and sites we consider optimal for Mindful Birding group outings, and highlight why sitting in one spot, or Sit Spots, can offer rewards and unexpected surprises.
We discuss why we feel Mindful Birding is gaining more traction, and how Mindful Birding experiences can intersect other interests, such as poetry, fine arts, yoga, nature journaling, mothing, and forest bathing.
Episode 16: Mindful Birding - Your Questions Answered Part II
In this episode Holly & Holly continue to answer questions we’ve received about Mindful Birding in part II of Mindful Birding – Your Questions Answered.
We also continue our chat with therapist Pamela Lowell, who turns the tables on us, and asks us some questions about how we met and started this podcast.
Episode 15: Hope, Healing, and Mindful Birding with Therapist Pamela Lowell
In this episode, Holly and Holly spend time talking with trauma therapist, artist, and author Pamela Lowell and how Mindful Birding and time spent connecting with birds and nature can be an effective therapeutic vehicle not only for human wellbeing, but also for the wellbeing of our planet. Find Pamela's book My Summer with Ospreys here
Episode 14: Mindful Birding - Your Questions Answered Part I
In this episode of the Mindful Birding Podcast, Holly & Holly answer some of the questions received surrounding Mindful Birding. This episode is part one of our discussion, and we hope you enjoy.
Episode 13: Benefits of Bringing Birds in Closer with Brian & John from Nature Centered Podcast
In this episode, Holly & Holly gather with their friends Brian Cunningham and John Shaust of the Nature Centered Podcast a podcast from Wild Birds Unlimited
Brian and John share some perspectives on why bringing birds in closer benefits us, experiences and connections with birds from their own backyards, and why birds can be companions wherever we go. We touch on why the interest in bird feeding took off during the pandemic, how bird feed & supply stores act as "wellness centers" in their communities.
Episode 12: Matching Heartbeats: Mindful Birding, Heart Health, & Hummingbirds
In this episode of the Mindful Birding Podcast, Holly & Holly share why birds are truly heart healthy, both in the way they fill our hearts with joy and love, but also with cardiac fitness in mind.
How can wild birds help make our hearts stronger? Our connections to other people and animals can sometimes synch our biorhythms, and even our heartbeats, and we wonder if this also happens when we connect with the wild birds around us.
Episode 11 : Mindful Birding as an Antidote to Loneliness
In this episode of the Mindful Birding Podcast, Holly & Holly invite you into a conversation surrounding the idea of wild birds as companions, and specifically how birds may offer the opportunity to ease feelings of loneliness and boost our feelings of connectedness.
We discuss the US Surgeon General’s 2023 Advisory on the public health crisis of loneliness, isolation and lack of social connection in the United States and wonder if birds might be an antidote?
Episode 10 : Gratitude for Birds
In this episode of the mindful birding podcast, we are exploring gratitude and how practicing gratitude for birds can deepen our relationships with them and the world around us.
We asked our listeners and Mindful Birding Network members to share their own gratitude for birds, and why they were thankful for birds in their lives.
Listen to hear the contagious effects of gratitude through some voices within the Mindful Birding Network Community
Episode 9: Prescriptive Nature
In this episode, we explore the concept of Prescriptive Nature, and gain a better understanding of how and where these prescriptions are being used today in preventative medicine across the globe.
Special guest Dr. Joe Blanda MD discusses the ParkRX program and shares how he prescribed nature to his own patients while a practicing orthopedic surgeon, and continues this initiative through projects in his local community in Akron Ohio.
In the Mindful Birding Nerding Science Segment, Holly Thomas explores why Prescriptive Nature might face hurdles in traditional medical settings, and highlights some of the work going on in Poland, specifically that of two pioneers in the area of the therapeutic benefits of birding Dr. Piotr Tryjanowski Dr. Slawomir Murawiec, and Dr. Katarzyna Simonienko - specifically her article on Therapeutic Ornithology
For our Joy of Birdsong segment, Holly & Holly bring you with them on a slow walk through an autumn landscape in southeastern Pennsylvania, sharing a few moments of their wondrous encounter with a pair of dueting Great Horned Owls
Episode 8: Self-sustainability & Nature with Sophie Crossley
In this episode, Holly & Holly discuss ideas surrounding self-sustainability,through birds and nature with author Sophie Crossley, who works for Work in Mind a UK based organization dedicated to the connection between healthy buildings and workplace wellbeing, where there’s a strong focus on biophilic design or incorporating elements of nature into our work and living spaces for the wellness benefits.
In our Mindful Birding Nerding segment, Holly Thomas explores the book Blue Mind, by Wallace J. Nichols, and some of the take-aways from the book, and why and how we can benefit from spending time around water.
Holly Thomas shares a quote by Alan Watts from his book The Way of Zen.
Chris Benesh shares a soundscape of the beautiful song of Hermit Thrush, recorded in California in the Joy of Birdsong segment. https://fieldguides.com/guides/chris-benesh/
Episode 7: Birding Through Grief and Loss
In this episode, we explore how birds and birding play an important part in the grieving process that we all experience in our lives.
We hear personal stories from Dr. Ed Pullen, creator and host of the Bird Banter Podcast, as he shares how birding was a helpful distraction in finding respite in coping with care-taking and deep loss. Liz Pettit shares a story of how birds and birding helps in healing of her heart, after experiencing the loss of her son.
Holly Merker reflects on the spirituality and significance particular birds play after loss, particularly the Northern Cardinal.
Holly Thomas guides us through a reflective meditation for those we love, and offers tribute to a beloved friend of both of your co-hosts, as we honor the memory of extraordinary birder and person, Tom Johnson.
In our Joy of Birding segment with Chris Benesh, Chris reflects on how birds have soothed him amidst grief, especially in the loss of dear friend and colleague, Tom Johnson, AKA "The Albatross". Chris shares an intriguing and moving recording of Southern Royal Albatrosses made in Campbell Island of New Zealand.
Episode 6: Birds and Childhood Well-being
In this episode, Holly & Holly chat with child psychologist and author Dr. Geraldine Oades-Sese about her forthcoming children’s book Melusine: Birds of Many Feathers, a book that weaves the message of inclusivity and diversity using bird language and birding.
Dr. Gerry shares the importance of nature for childhood mental wellbeing and resilience, and tips on how to bring birds and nature into their lives, as well as her own experiences with using birds as a therapeutic vehicle both professionally and personally.
Holly Thomas explores one theory, showing causes and effects of attention fatigue, demonstrating the power of the natural world in our “Mindful Birding Nerding Science Segment”.
Mary Oliver’s wisdom and skillful use of words invites us to explore our connections to the natural world Holly Thomas shares the poem Such Singing in the Wild Branches to celebrate gratitude for birdsong.
Chris Benesh takes us on a trip to the mountains of New Mexico, where we listen to the soundscapes featuring Red-faced Warbler, Grace’s Warbler, Warbling and Plumbeous Vireos, Brown Creeper, and Mountain Chickadee.
Episode 5 : Mindful Birding is for Everyone
In this episode, we share why Mindful Birding is truly for everyone, and how Mindful Birding is gaining a wider awareness as a style of birding within the birding community, as larger birding festivals give a nod by featuring programming and offering Keynotes surrounding this style of birding. We chat with MBN Member Bridget Butler, AKA the Bird Diva, to explore this more.
Holly Thomas explains “Doc Log” and covers the “Doses of Neighborhood Nature: The Benefits of Health of Living with Nature” and what health benefits we are receiving from time in nature, and what we miss when we don’t have that time.
Is Winnie the Pooh a Mindful Birder? Holly Merker reads an excerpt from the book “The Tao of Pooh: The principles of Taoism demonstrated by Winnie-the Pooh” by Benjamin Hoff, that gives you the answer.
Chris Benesh takes us to Ulva Island, New Zealand to experience the sounds of the New Zealand Bellbird as it transports you back in time.
Episode 4: The Power of Birdwatching
In this episode, Holly & Holly wing their way across the Atlantic to visit with Dr. Angelika Nelson an acoustic ornithologist who works for the LBV (Landesbund für Vogel- und Naturschutz ) in Germany, and the lead author of the new book “The Power of Birdwatching” (Freya, 2023). Angelika shares how birds can teach us life-lessons and be a positive distraction in our daily lives, along with insight into why birdsong makes us feel so good.
Our Mindful Birding Nerding Science Segment Dr. Holly Thomas explores a European study that measures life satisfaction and analyzes the correlation between life satisfaction and living around bird diversity.
Listen to the bird heard singing which prompted recordist Chris Benesh drop everything he was working on, to give the song his full attention in our Joy of Birdsong segment.
Episode 3 : Mindful Birding Perspectives & Practices
In this episode, Mindful Birding Network members Aaric Eisenstein, Roniq Bartanen and Matthew Young, along with co-hosts Holly Thomas and Holly Merker, all provide tips, insights, and perspectives, that demonstrate how individualized the practice of Mindful Birding can be.
Let your mind escape while listening to Wendell Berry’s “The Peace of Wild Things” and reflect on how nature and birds bring you to a calmer headspace.
In our Mindful Birding Nerding science segment, Dr. Holly Thomas summarizes a recent study that suggests that Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) can have the same effect as a well-known pharmaceutical in the SSRI class, posing the question of whether or not Mindful Birding might have those same beneficial effects.
Recordist Chris Benesh transports us to Australia for our Joy of Birdsong spotlight, as he shares the echoing and ethereal sounds of a Pied Butcherbird singing at dawn.
Episode 2 : Mindful Birding & Birdsong
Familiar voices from within the Mindful Birding Network share what Mindful Birding means to them. We hear these questions answered by Alex Harper, Dr. Barbara Patterson, Dr. Joe Blanda, Bridget Butler/Bird Diva, and Faraaz Abdool.
In our Mindful Birding Nerding science segment, Dr. Holly Thomas explores the science of why birdsong holds benefits to our wellbeing and provides an overview of a study published in Scientific Reports on birdsong and anxiety. We follow up with our Joy of Birdsong segment hearing from birdsong recordist and birding guide Chris Benesh, who offers us some peaceful moments with a Townsend’s Solitaire.
Episode 1: Welcome to the Mindful Birding Podcast
In this intro episode, co-hosts Holly Merker and Holly Thomas introduce the Mindful Birding Podcast, provide insight into the practice of Mindful Birding, and what that might mean, share the background of the Mindful Birding Network , and provide a peek into what's to come in future episodes.